
Tuesday 1 July 2014

Affirmations, Words and Feelings


Words are Very Important

Words can make or break our day. They can make us feel happy, sad, rejected or proud.
Words can bring hope, words can cause failure. Words can make you show the other person that you can do it and you are not a failure, or they can last with you for 80 years believing that you are no good because you were told so when you were a child.


Words can build you up with promises. In years gone by, words and a handshake were the same as your signature on a document today. Today we bandy words about, often for our own benefit. Empty promises hurt the receiver of the promise and take away the credibility of the person making the promise. People begin to see them in a different light when promises are broken again and again.

Politicians are great users of words for their own or their party's ends. They are also often great breakers of promises. Teachers are influential users of words, teaching children how to use them. The media has a great influence on the words used in our society. Parents are our first teacher of words either giving a child self esteem or robbing them of it with their words.

Doctors, nurses, naturopaths and therapists can bring hope, encouragement, and a belief in yourself. They can also take away hope, withhold encouragement and believe in their power instead of yours.

Think about your words and the powerful effect they have on others.


Louise Hay has made affirmations popular. Affirmations are a group of words you use to tell yourself repeatedly that you can achieve and change your way of thinking. Affirmations have great power.

I am careful about the words I use when talking to others.
I have positive thoughts and use positive words.
I always use positive words to make myself and others feel good.

Have a great day!

Friday 6 June 2014

The Thyroid Summit

There has been a great worldwide summit on Thyroid health this week. Over 30 hours of broadcasts. The information is so very important because so many of us have a low thyroid condition causing much of our ill health. Even people who seem healthy may still have a low thyroid problem.

A low thyroid may be the cause of many heart problems. It is tied in with our sex drive and our adrenal system, that part of us that gives the extra oomf when there is a major crisis in our lives.

This summit has been given mostly by doctors who have treated thousands and thousands of over 30 to 40 years. The information is not about some new found pharmaceutical but is tried and tested natural methods of good, honest, practical help.

If you have missed out on being part of the summit and would still like to get access to this important information, click on this link
as it is available to purchase after the summit. This way you will be able to take your time to digest all this wonderful information that could change your life.

There is most important information here also that can help many sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), CFIFS, ME and Fibromyalgia (FMS) and allergies.

Friday 30 May 2014

Thyroid Health

There is a big week coming up next week.

If you are interested if feeling more energetic, less fatigued, there is a possibility that you may have thyroid problems. 

Many people who know they have thyroid problems need more help to feel better.
Many people do not know they have thyroid problems. Could you be one of them? Do you feel worn out and tired most of the time? Do you have difficulty losing weight? Do you suffer from depression? It might be your Thyroid. 
Datis Kharrazian (pictured) has written a brilliant book all about the thyroid. It is called 'Why do I still have Thyroid Symptoms?' He is now collaborating with many other professionals to help us learn more about our thyroid gland. He is one of the many speakers who will give their time to help people around the world. 
This seminar is on the internet so we don't have to get on a plane and fly to the US. We can access this information from our favourite computer. 
Each talk is available only for 24 hours. So register today to gain this free information. If you cannot see all of the talks, they will be available for purchase. 
See you there next week.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Salt Toothpaste



Make your own Tooth Cleaners from Natural Ingredients

You can use just the powder of Bi-carbonate of Soda to clean your teeth. Bi-carbonate of soda is good for getting rid of smells, cleaning and refreshing. Dip your damp toothbrush in bi-carb and scrub your teeth with it.

Salt can be used the same way. Use table salt or sea salt. The salt can also be mixed with bi-carb soda to clean and refresh your teeth. Xylitol is a natural sweetener made from corn or birch trees. It has been proven to be beneficial to getting rid of bacteria in the mouth. Xylitol is found in many chewing gums to rid the bacteria from the mouth and prevent cavities. Xylitol can be mixed with the salt and/or bi-carbonate of soda to make a better tasting cleanser for your mouth and teeth.

If you would prefer to purchase toothpaste looking like something you are used to - squirting on our toothbrush - then try Weleda Salt Toothpaste Oral Dental Care. It contains pure plant extracts, mineral substances, sea salt and essential oils. It is free from synthetic preservatives.


Sodium Bicarbonate, Water, Glycerin, Silica, Peppermint oil, Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa) Juice, Commipho Myrrha resin extract, Krameria Triandra (Ratanhia) Root Extract, Aesculus (Horse Chestnut) Extract, Arum Maculatum (in a highly diluted form), Sodium chloride, Guar Gum, Jojoba seed oil, Aesculin, Alcohol, Limonene, Linalool
To check out more info about natural toothpastes please click the following links.

To purchase Salt toothpaste

Friday 16 May 2014

7 Questions about Flower Essences

Roses are very powerful healers

What are Flower Essences?

Flower Essences are a a gentle form of healing that ease our emotions and give us emotional strength.

Are Flower Essences the same as Essential Oils?

Flower Essences are not the same as Essentials oils. Essential Oils is another name for Aromatherapy oils. Aromatherapy oils or Essential oils are made from the inner liquid or oils of the plant.

How are Flower Essences made?

Flower essences are made by transferring the energy of the flower into pure water. 

Fact - Every thing on this earth, including our bodies, vibrates at different rates - Physics.
Fact - Each type of flower vibrates at its own rate.
Fact - people with similar emotions tend to be drawn to each other.
Fact - water holds energy.

In making Flower essences we make use of water to hold energy. We can then transfer it to ourselves in our time of necessity.

How do Flower essences help us?

Flower essences can help us ease our emotions and strengthen us in our times of trouble.

How do we know which Flower Essence to take?

There are many different ways that we can know instinctively which flower essence to take.
Are you attracted to the name of the essence?
Do you like the colour of the flower that the essence is made from.
Do you like the shape of the flower  of the essence?
If the flower has a perfume, do you like the perfume of the flower?

Do you only take an Essence you are attracted to?

Sometimes we really dislike a flower or bush while someone else will like it.
Sometimes it is beneficial to take the essence of a flower we do not like. It might be addressing a deep fear or emotion. These emotions run very deep and will take more time to ease.

How do I take Flower Essences?

Flower Essences are easy to take. As you know they come in water in a bottle. This bottle is a dropper bottle. There is usually some form of alcohol in the bottle as a preservative. Take 2 to 7 drops as directed on the bottle. This liquid is placed under the tongue in a clean mouth. This means that you have not had any food or coffee/strong flavour drink for about twenty minutes before or after the drops for optimal absorption.

Flower essences are sometimes taken 3 or four times a day, depending on need.
Alternatively, the drops can be placed in water and sipped as needed.

More next time...

Saturday 10 May 2014

Anxiety Runs in Families

Lavender is a calming flower to have around you

Do you suffer from Anxiety?

  ‘Researchers are learning that anxiety disorders run in families, and that they have a biological basis, much like allergies or diabetes and other disorders. Anxiety disorders may develop from a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality,  and life events.’  from the Anxiety and Depression Association  of America.

Yes, it is understandable that anxiety should run in families. We only  have to look around us at the people we know to realise that many things run in families. We learn to be who we are by the influence of our family. We eat the  same food as the people in our family. We have the same genes as the people in  our family.

All these things can and do affect us. We learn to cope in the same way as the people in our family. When we become adults we change who we mix with, have our own friends and are influenced by the people we mix with at work. We can even change our diet. Even if we are no longer mixing directly with our family we carry them with us for the rest of our life in the genes in our body.

We can influence how we feel by the way we think, the food we eat and the company we keep.

Natural ways to ease  Anxiety

The gentle energy of Flower Essences  can also help us with the way we feel. They affect our aura, our energy system.
Dr Edward Bach was a medical doctor and specialist in London in the 1930s. He discovered the benefits of the energy of plants and how they can also affect the  way we think and feel.

Coming with a long history, herbs can also influence the way we think and feel. Sometimes we need a little help to cope with the events  in our life. Herbs are a gentle, safe, tried and true way we can turn for our  health.

Tell us some natural remedies you have used for anxiety. This way we can help each other.


Sunday 4 May 2014

Tai Chi: 8 Reasons to practice Tai Chi

Tai Chi

Hongyi Tai Chi School Tai Chi has been proven to be good for your health.

Benefits of Tai Chi

  • Balance
  • Co-ordination
  • Health
  • Memory
  • Relaxation

In a recent study the practice by older adults was shown to increase the size of the brain.

Tai Chi has also been proven to benefit people with Arthritis and Diabetes. It can also help people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Tai Chi is a low impact form of movement that people practice to their ability. Tai Chi can also be practised by people confined to a chair.

Tai Chi opens up the meridians or energy channels of the body and allows the energy in the body to flow more easily. When we are unwell the energy channels are blocked. With daily practice these energy channels can open and we feel more open, more flowing, more free from pain.

8 Reasons people do Tai Chi

Tai Chi students come from all walks of life. They come for all sorts of reasons.
They want to :-

  • be more flexible physically
  • improve their body so that they are free of pain
  • learn to walk again
  • get help with Parkinson's disease
  • have enjoyment
  • learn to relax
  • meet like minded people
  • improve their co-ordination

Daily practice of Tai Chi improves our health. Have you thought of doing Tai Chi?

Contact the Hongyi  Tai Chi School in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
This School is run by a world class Master from China. The three Masters in this school have numerous qualifications and forms learned in China, Hong Kong and Australia.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Homeopathy - The designer medicine

Picture Homeopathy is the designer medicine of the present, the past and the future.

A remedy can be selected especially for your illness. Your illness is defined by YOUR symptoms, not the symptoms of the general population.

General symptoms of an illness may be sore throat, cough, tiredness, fever. Let's look at a sore throat.

Sore Throat


  • painful when swallowing even if it is just saliva
  • painful when swallowing food
  • painful when swallowing liquid
  • not painful when swallowing food but sore all other times
  • not painful when swallowing liquid but sore all other times
    better when swallowing hot food
  • worse when swallowing hot food 
  • better when swallowing cold food
  • worse when swallowing cold food
  • better when swallowing hot liquid
  • worse when swallowing cold liquid
  • painful on the right side
  • worse in the morning on waking
  • worse at midday
  • worse in the evening
  • worse in bed

Get the picture? When the variations of all your other symptoms are selected as well, then a remedy can be selected for you.

Homeopathy is a real designer medicine! Try it out.

Monday 28 April 2014

Magnesium and MS


Magnesium for Major Illnesses

Well, the wonderful mineral, Magnesium makes for very popular posts each time I write about it. I encourage you to add it as a supplement as we need lots of it and we don't get much in our diet these days.

A few years ago I was in the Emergency ward with arrhythmia - my heart was not beating right, skipping beats etc. Now the nurses were pretty concerned. My main problem was I couldn't breathe properly. You know what they gave me? An intravenous dose of magnesium. Magnesium is needed by the heart. The heart is a muscle. It expands and contracts as it beats away every second of the day and night all our lives. Magnesium helps the muscles relax. We need it in our bones to help make them strong. We need it in our muscles all over the body.

Magnesium and MS

People with MS seem to suffer from problems with their muscles -
  • twitching
  • jerking
  • muscle stiffness
  • spasms 
Personally, I would prefer to take Magnesium supplements to relax my muscles than the drugs given to these people. If you are on medication for this, do not stop medically prescribed drugs. But there is no one stopping you from adding a magnesium supplement to your daily intake.

The general recommendation for magnesium supplement is 400mg daily. if you are addressing a more severe problem, you would need more than this.

One doctor who made a 30 year career studying magnesium recommends 8mg magnesium per kg of your body weight. For a person who weighs 50 kilograms (110 lbs), this is 400mg. An 80 kg person (176lbs) would need 640mg.

One other thing - this dose is not calculated on the total magnesium in the supplement. Much of the magnesium in the supplements is unavailable to our body. Manufacturers  often use the cheaper grades of the mineral to bulk out the tablet. Look for the word 'equivalent'. Add up the 'equivalent' magnesium and reach the appropriate dose from this. Otherwise you still won't get enough of this wonderful mineral.

Different Forms of Magnesium

  • mineral magnesium taken as a supplement as I described above
  •  magnesium in a cell salt form. These are very popular and are used as a quick relief from cramping etc. The football team my husband worked with used these for quick relief when the players got cramps in their legs. This is called Mag phos Cell salts or Tissue salts.
  • Mag phos spray is the cell salt or tissue salts available in a spray form. Just squirt a couple of sprays in your mouth. 
  • Mag phos cream can be rubbed into cramping fingers, toes or legs or anywhere else the cramp occurs
  • Magnesium also comes as a Homeopathy remedy. This is marvelous when the cramps are really bad. It comes in much high strengths like 30c, 200c, M and higher. You will get these from a Homeopath. In some countries you can buy them in a pharmacy.
  • Epsom salts is magnesium. Add half a cup of magnesium to your bath. Soak and enjoy. We absorb things through our skin so you will be absorbing the magnesium while you enjoy your bathe.
Many types of magnesium can be bought at my Ebay store

Let me know what your favourite topic is ......

Thursday 24 April 2014

Natural Supplements for Inflammation

The beautiful flower of the Aloe from my garden.

Relieving Inflammation

Science is now Proving the Knowledge

There are many natural supplements that can help relieve inflammation. These have been tried and tested over the centuries and increasingly studies have been done on them to prove the knowledge of these substances.

Many of these natural foods or medicines have other properties besides anti inflammatory power. They may be anti bacterial, anti-viral etc.

Lack of Side Effects

Because these natural medicines are made from the whole plant, they do not have the side effects that many Western medicines have. The plants that these natural substances come from have very many ingredients. There may be one that, if taken on its own would cause side effects. But Nature is wonderful, and in these plants that are helpful to us, it also puts other ingredients that will counter any side effects. 

Patents for Natural Supplements

Plants cannot be patented. They come already made, given to us freely by Nature. 

Pharmaceutical companies cannot make much money without a patent so they take out the one ingredient in the plant that they think is the beneficial one, and ignore the rest. Therefore, the medicines they make from the plants do not have the counter checks and balances.


Natural Plant Remedies

Some beneficial natural medicines that may help us with inflammation are as follows.

Olive Leaf
This is a natural NSAID, that is it has natural non-steroidal properties similar to Ibuprofen. It enhances the immune system. It has been clinically proven to help rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is a well known plant that is well proven for its beneficial effects. When taken internally it can help gastrointestinal inflammation and arthritis. It can also be applied to the skin to ease inflammation of the skin or arthritic pains. Aloe vera has all the essential glyconutrients for our body. This is why it is such a wonderful healer.

Tumeric root extract or Curcumin is a natural COX-2 inhibitor. It has similar anti-inflammatory effects to non-steroidal drugs but without the side effects. It can help arthritis and immune system disorders.

White Willow Bark
White willow bark eases pain and inflammation. It contains salicin. Aspro or Aspirin was made out of it but they did not use the whole ingredients (remember they couldn't patent it then). This remedy does not cause bleeding like Aspirin. It is good for arthritis and other pain.

I hope you find some of these can help you with inflammation and the pain resulting from it.


Monday 21 April 2014

Inflammation is Connected with Emotions

The flowers from this willow tree can help ease our emotions

Inflammation and Emotions

Scientists have studied the relationship of inflammation and our emotions. The have found some inflammatory markers in our body that are tied to stress, depression and other negative emotions.

Inflammatory markers can be measured in our blood. Extra protein is given off from the site of the inflammation. These are the inflammatory markers.

Stress, Depression and Inflammation

People who are stressed or depressed have the same kind of inflammatory markers as people who have inflammation of part of their body. Therefore it is always important to treat the person emotionally. High levels of inflammatory markers are found in frail older adults.

Flower Essences

Emotions can be treated naturally and gently with Flower Esences. In the 1920s, Dr Bach, a famed doctor and surgeon of his time in London found a different way to help people. He used the energy of flowers and trees. These worked so well that he found they not only helped people emotionally but also physically. Since then his work has travelled around the world.

Negative Emotions and Pain

Negative emotions have long been tied to arthritis and there is evidence that they can cause the physical symptom of pain. There are many negative emotions including anger, hostility,  irritability, resentment, jealousy, shame and fear.

Bach Essences

Agrimony The person needing agrimony suppresses or denies their feelings and can become addictive.

Beech  This remedy helps people who are critical of others and intolerant of themselves. In the past they have not been allowed to express anger. The part of their body that is affected is around the throat, neck and shoulders and chest.

Chicory  The person needing chicory feels they are a victim. Their physical problems centre around the mucous membranes, sinuses and bronchiole tubes in the lungs.

Holly  Strong emotions are felt here. The person needing this remedy will feel hate, jealousy, rivalry and suspicion or vengeance. They have no compassion. They tend to get boils, skin eruptions and have chronic swollen glands.

Impatiens  Feeling tense, irritable, impatient or argumentative? Then you may benefit from this essence. These people tend to have problems with the colon.

Vine  The person needing this remedy may be very angry and controlling. They experience rashes, pain and infections.

Willow  People that can benefit from this essence feel bitterness and resentment and find it difficult to forgive. They experience colds and infections in their sinuses, ears and bronchial tubes.

Following are just some of my other articles on how flower essences can help you.

I hope you find a flower essence that can help you. To be human is to need help. There are no perfect human beings around yet. Let's work toward it together.

Friday 18 April 2014

Death to Dustmites

Creepy, crawly dustmites

Deadly Dustmites

I have always been badly affected by dust. I hate the stuff, but on the other hand I am not a fastidious housewife. To be honest I hate to dust.

One of the reasons I hate to dust is because disturbing the dust means that little particles of dust go flying through the air. You can see them floating in the sunbeams when the sun shines through the window. The other reason is that there are so many more interesting things to be doing in life than dusting. 

Dust Under the Bed

When I was a little girl my Mum kept a couple of suitcases under my bed. They were filled with spare linen - sheets and pillowcases etc. We did not have linen presses in those days. There were not many places in older houses to store necessities.

It was always an excitement when Mum pulled those cases out from under the bed. We could peer inside them to see what wonders were there. Honestly there was nothing special, but they had been a mystery for the last six months.

On top of the suitcases was a layer of dust an inch thick. Well, of course this was disturbed as the lid was opened. Dust floated into the air. Along with the excitement of looking at something that had been hidden for so long, the musty smell of the goods inside and the dust floating in the air, I always had another asthma attack with lots of wheezing, coughing and sneezing. 

Helping Out at Home

When I was a teenager I had to dust the lounge room every week. I hated it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that I did not want to help. It was the dust!

In those days my Mum would give me a fluffy duster made of fluffed out natural wool nailed on a stick - called a fluffy duster - to get rid of all the dust on the cupboards, shelves, skirting boards and venetian blinds. All it did was chase the dust from one resting place, sent it flying through the air until it settled on another resting place and waited for me to shift it again the next week. 

Well, you know the outcome of that. Yes another wheezy chest, coughing and LOTS of sneezing. I hated dusting

Capturing the Dust

So when I got married I experimented how to capture that dust and not have it transfer from one resting place to another. I dampened a piece of cotton toweling, wrung it out well and captured all that horrible dust. Yeah! Wash out the cloth and start again on the next section. Gradually I kept that build up of dust under control.

Science and Dustmites

These days we know that dustmites live in this dust and it is really, so they tell us, the droppings of the dustmite that affect us! On with technology!

I still hate to dust.
Down with dust!

Monday 14 April 2014

A Natural Toothpaste to Suit YOU

Some brands of natural toothpaste

Natural Toothpaste is Best for Us

We are very lucky these days that there are so many good natural toothpastes on the market. There is a wide variety of ingredients so that surely there will be one that will be just right for you.

Make sure your toothpaste is free from salicylates, fluoride, artificial sweeteners for example saccharin, and
 sodium lauryl sulphate. Try to avoid anything with the words glycol, propylene and polyol.
If you have allergies be careful what you use to clean your teeth. You are putting toothpaste in your mouth and the inside of your mouth is very sensitive.

Weleda make two natural toothpastes - Calendula toothpaste and Salt toothpaste
Calendula has been known for centuries to be a gentle healing herb. This toothpaste is free from peppermint and has fennel oil in it and licorice.

Salt toothpaste has sodium bi carbonate (the salt part of the toothpaste) and peppermint oil and lots of different herbs.

Olive Leaf toothpaste contains olive leaf extract and is a natural antibacterial. It is Paraben Free, Artificial sweeteners free, Fluoride Free, and SLS Free.

Propolis toothpaste had extract of honey bees in it. It helps protect against plaque & gum disease. Test carefully before use if you are affected by bee stings. Propolis is Paraben Free, Sugar Free, Fluoride Free, SLS Free and Saccharin Free.

Jack and Jill toothpaste is a cute little toothpaste for children as young as 6 months old. You can use this on your baby's first teeth. It contains some certified organic ingredients and other natural ingredients.

Vicco toothpaste is a stiff paste made from lots of herbs and barks. It is an Ayurvedic toothpaste used to encourage healthy teeth and gums. Ayurveda is an ancient form of medicine used in India.

Following are some previous articles with more details about natural toothpaste.


Friday 11 April 2014

Allergies and Decorative Painting

People with Chemical sensitivities can be allergic to paint

Allergies and Paint

I LOVED to paint. It was my life for a long time. 

If you read my book, Allergies and Chronic Fatigue  A Natural Approach, you will know that from a very young age I have been fascinated with painting, whether it is transforming and beautifying a door or wall or decorating a canvas, piece of paper or some wood.

Throughout my book you will see that every time I was exposed to paint from childhood, I became very ill. We now know this as chemical allergies.

Modern paint is full of chemicals. Goodness knows what they were full of in the 'Old' days. I passed my thirties a good while ago.

Paint contains a good dose of chemicals including toluene and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These are BAD for people with allergies to chemicals

My Painting Career
For many years I painted - artistically - up to 12 hours a day with artists acrylics. I would not use artists oil paints as the brushes had to be cleaned in turpentine - another strong smelling chemical. One video I watched of an artist explaining how to paint even used petrol to clean his brushes!!!!!

Now I thought I could get away with these tubes of acrylic paints. After all it said on the plastic tube 'Non toxic'. Mmmm. To whom?

I painted folk art style and still love this simplistic version of painting. This style is often painted on wood or tin. The background has to be painted first. Here come the larger quantities of paint. Get the picture?

I also used to mix large quantities of background colour for my students - I taught painting for years too. Painting classes were a delight for me but I found that going home after a couple of classes I was totally drained. I had been exposed to paint from 12 students for 5 hours.

Well eventually my chemical allergies all came to a head and I ended up in bed - for years. But here I am.

My style of painting has changed a lot over the years, as happens. I used watercolour paint for a while as very little paint or pigment is used. It is different to acrylic paints. Now I can use acrylics again, but I will never use them to the same extent as before.

Chemical Sensitivities
If you have chemical sensitivities be careful with acrylic artist's paint too. It is not only the paint in the tubes but the tubes themselves are made out of plastic - more on that another day. People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) need to be careful.

To see my Folk Art Books click here.
For more information on my book Allergies and Chronic Fatigue  A Natural
 click here.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Asthma Control

The airways in the lungs close during an asthma attack

Warning: Always take your medication as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

What happens when you have an asthma attack

When you experience an asthma attack, the airways in your lungs contract, that is, get smaller and tighter. This makes it harder for the air to get in and out. The airways become inflamed and fill with mucous. This mucous blocks the airways even more.

Why do your airways contract?

Your airways are more likely to contract when you are anxious, have a viral infection or are exposed to allergens. Allergens are something that upsets your system. Your reaction to the  allergens is a tightening of your airways.

There are many allergens that can affect people. They can be specific or varied. You may react only to one thing, or you may react to many different things. Everybody id different.

If your immune system is lowered you are more likely to react to more and more triggers.

Some common triggers are pollen, smoke, dust, chemicals, cold air, latex or aspirin. Find out your own triggers and avoid them if you can.

How to Boost your Health

By boosting your immune system and general overall health hopefully you will be able to say goodbye to asthma.

General Recommendations - Supplements

Take a Magnesium supplement. Magnesium is known as 'the great relaxer'. It relaxes the muscles and vessels in your body. By having a plentiful supply of magnesium in your body, the muscles and airways are relaxed, not tight and ever on the alert for the next thing that will come along to trigger a reaction. Very many people do not have enough magnesium in their body because our diet does not supply it any more.

It is generally recommended to take at least 400mg of magnesium daily. Take this in divided doses. One in the morning and one at night.

Vitamin C is another important natural remedy. It is an antioxidant. Our bodies do not make Vitamin C. Guinea pigs are also not able to make vitamin C and need a replacement. All other mammals can produce their own vitamin C. Who would have thought we had a similarity to a guinea pig?

Selenium is a mineral, a trace element and another important supplement.  We need very little of trace elements in our body, but we still need them. Take up to 200mcg. Notice this is mcg which means micrograms. It is a much smaller quantity than milligrams. Check any other vitamin/mineral mix you may be taking as selenium is dangerous if you take too much. 200 mcg is enough. Selenium is also good for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or ME or any other immune system illness.

Other articles that you may find interesting about asthma
Are You Worse for Windy Weather?
Asthma and Magnesium
Asthma and Tissue Salts
Mould can bring on Asthma

More next time, Cheers

Order my ebook Wheezing and Sneezing, All about Asthma and Allergies

Sunday 6 April 2014

Flower Essences for Emergencies

Flowers share with us their gentle, healing vibrations

Major Flower Essences for Emergency

Flower essences or remedies help correct emotional imbalances.

Bach Rescue Remedy 

 is a well known group of flower remedies that are tried and tested to helps us recover in times of stress. This can be as simple as staying calm during a busy day at work, when we are depressed or when a major event happens in our lives.

Bach Rescue Remedy now comes in drops, pastilles, cream or spray. They are easy to carry around with us ready for when they are needed.

Australian Bush Flower Essences 

have a group of essences called Emergency Essence from the flowers of Australian bush flowers that help address the emotions of panic, distress and fear. Certain flower essences are there to help us in an emergency during times of stress. Take as drops under the tongue.

My Heartsong Survival Remedy 

is made from flower essences and tinctures and crystal energy. This has been proven to work countless times in times of trouble.

This remedy addresses the physical as well as the emotional. It is great in times of emotional stress. It is also fantastic for headaches, pain, coughs, sneezing, colds, or when you just feel as though you are going down with the flu.

Take a few drops under your tongue. Often the results will come quickly.

My Heartsong Survival Remedy 

 is also made in a cream which works well. The cream has helped people with back pain, severe acne, leg cramps and arthritic pain and much more.

Contact me if you would like any of these remedies.


Saturday 5 April 2014

Asthma and Tissue Salts



Tissue Salts to the Rescue

Mag  phos

Two Tissue salts that may help relieve asthma are Mag phos and Nat phos.
Mag phos (Magnesium phosphate) is one of the twelve essential minerals our bodies need. Mag phos eases spasms.

As mentioned in my last post about Magnesium, the bronchioles in the lungs, that is the airway passages in the lungs, go into spasms throughout an asthmatic episode. They become inflamed, go into spasms, and produce mucous trying to wash away the thing that is bothering them - it may be dust, smoke,  terpenes or some other substance.

Directions for taking Mag phos
Mag phos may help to ease the spasms so that you can breathe more easily. If your chest is tightening up, try some Mag phos. Take it at the first sign of spasms. Get in early. Stop the spasms before they get really bad. Take every 15 minutes for an hour. As the spasms ease, slow down the tablets.
Remember to take your prescription medicine if needed.
Nat phos
Nat phos
 or Natrum phosphoricum may also ease asthma. It may help if your asthma is brought on by mould or by exercise. Exercise can be as simple as walking or talking. Yes, talking can bring on breathlessness in some people. It is a form of exercise of the vocal muscles.

Running or walking may bring on an asthma attack in some people. It does not have to be fast walking, it can also be slow walking, depending on your own personal makeup.

Depending on the brand, take 1-4 tablets as needed. The tablets should not be touched. Shake the tablet into the top of the bottle and tip it into your mouth from there. DO NOT SWALLOW THE TABLET/S. Suck them. Let them dissolve in your mouth. These tablets are like Homeopathy. They have the energy of the salt in the tablet. This is absorbed into the channels of energy that circulate from your mouth to other parts of the body.

Do not take them with tea or coffee or food. They work best in a clean empty mouth.

The most important thing for you to do is to TAKE YOUR NORMAL MEDICATION FOR ASTHMA. Tissue salts are a companion natural medicine that may help your body along with doctor's prescriptions. Remember, asthma can be dangerous.Treat it with caution.

Tissue salts or Cell salts, as I have mentioned before, are very safe to take.
They can be purchased in the health food store or chemist.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Quinoa Porridge

Healthy Quinoa porridge for breakfast

Quinoa Porridge is Gluten Free

This recipe is chock full of antioxidants which are very, very  good for us. We have already talked about quinoa and about all the ingredients to make a beautiful rich Rhubarb compote.

If you have already made the compote then you are ready to make this very easy breakfast which will set you up and see you through the morning.


  •  Quinoa flakes
  • Compote made of rhubarb, goji berries,  prunes, raisins, crystallised ginger and dark grape juice sweetened with a little stevia or xylitol if needed.
  • Goat’s milk or almond milk or natural milk of your choice
  • Chia seeds, ground, black
  • Natural yoghurt, 99% fat free

What to do next

Into your breakfast bowl place 2 or 3 flat dessertspoons of quinoa flakes. Add 1/2 flat dstspn of chia seeds, 2 heaped dstspns compote, 1 dstspn yoghurt and 1/2 cup ( about 125ml) milk. Place this in the microwave oven for 66 seconds. This time may vary depending on the wattage of your microwave.

Remove from oven and enjoy. This is just the right temperature to eat right away.

After your breakfast you will know that you have set your body up for the morning. Have a good day!

Antioxidants  in the Goji Berry
Antioxidants  in the Goji Berry
Antioxidants in Rhubarb

Monday 31 March 2014

Antioxidants in the Goji Berry

Goji Berries @
Goji Berries are an excellent super food

Goji Berries, Wolfberries

Goji berries are also known as wolfberries. They have grown in China, especially up around the Tibetan/Himalayan areas for
centuries. They are one of the most nutrient rich foods on our planet. The are extremely high in vitamin C and are an antioxidant rich super food.

Phyto nutrients – phyto meaning plant and we all know that nutrients are food. Goji contains B-carotene, vitamin C (300 times more than oranges), phenolics, polysaccharides and amino acids.

Goji berries are a neutral and balanced food, tonifying the blood, kidney yin, liver yin and lung yin they are alkalyzing. They contain 18 amino acids, have 10% fibre, are low on the glycaemic index.

Minerals are in abundance in these little red berries. They contain eleven of the major minerals and many trace minerals



Prunes are dried European plums. They are high in phytonutrients like vitamin K, fibre and the mineral potassium. They have soluble fibre which helps normalize the blood sugar, increasing insulin sensitivity which is a good thing. Prunes help prevent constipation and lower cholesterol. If you have untreated kidney or gallbladder problems then give prunes a miss.


Purple  grapes are the best for us as they have more goodness in that dark purple colour. Grapes are also full of phytonutrients and antioxidants. They help prevent heart disease and help maintain healthy blood pressure and even help lower high blood pressure. Grapes contain Resveratrol. This is well known to be of great benefit to the human body. Resveratrol is linked to lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Resveratrol also helps improve the skin. Grapes contain antimicrobial agents which help prevent bacteria based health problems. Dark red grape juice is a delicious addition to our diet.
When grapes are dried they are called raisins. These are what are used for cooking.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Antioxidants in Rhubarb

We eat the rich ruby red stalks of Rhubarb


There are some fruit and vegetables that are extra good for us. I am going to share with you what some information about the ones that I eat regularly. They have some of the highest levels of antioxidant.

These are rhubarb, prunes, goji berries, and dark grape juice. I will share with you how I make a lovely fruit compote to have with my breakfast each day. Then I will share with you how I make quinoa porridge with fruit compote and the benefits of all these. 

 Rhubarb has the least calories of all the vegetables. Vegetable you say? Well, rhubarb is not a fruit. It does not have any berries that we eat. We eat the stalk of the plant. If you grow rhubarb remember NOT to eat the leaves as they are poisonous. Only eat the stems.

If you are buying the stalks in the supermarket, choose the ones that have the most red on them. They are better for you having more antioxidants in them than the green stalks. Also when buying a plant to grow – it is very easy to grow – choose a variety that has the most ruby red stalks.

Back to the calories in rhubarb – it has only 21 calories in 100gr of fresh ruby red stem and contains loads of valuable fibre.

Vitamin B

The stalks are rich in B complex vitamins. Rhubarb contains a compound that converts to vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant which is good for the skin, mucous membranes and our vision.


Rhubarb also contains  Vitamin K which is a recognized benefit for Alzheimer’s disease. Minerals have not been forgotten in this plant and it contains many major minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

I am going to share with you what I know about a few more fruit that are very high in antioxidants. The more antioxidants we ingest the better for our health.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Do You Have an Open Mind?

If we have an open mind then anything can happen. Sometimes we think we have an open mind but we are only looking at it from our own point of view. Many years ago when I was very ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and severe allergies so that I was locked in the house, in bed, out on a farm 40 kilometres from the nearest city, my daughter said to me,
'Mum what do you think about getting some healing?'
I said 'What's that?'
'You know, when energy comes out of a person's hand and it helps you.'
'No, sounds weird,' I said.

Well, wouldn't you know it? I had to open my mind! The universe conspired to lead me a merry way until I found out just what this HEALING could do for me.

Have you opened your mind to different healing modalities?

Many of these healing modalities are discussed in my book, from crystal healing, hands on healing, flower essences, tai chi, aromatherapy, massage, and healing with colour.

What a journey. You can read about it in Allergies and Chronic Fatigue  A Natural Approach. You can get the Table of Contents and the first chapter FREE.

The Table of Contents will show you all the different things discussed in the book. The first chapter starts with the worst of my illness - I didn't think I was going to make it, and nor did my husband. It was some journey. It would have been easier if I had just listened to my daughter and said 'Yes dear.'

Tell us what has helped you. We'd love to hear. I have now opened my mind to many possibilities, but, no doubt, have still further to open.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Is There a Connection between Potatoes and Arthritis?


Alkaloids in Potatoes and Tomatoes

   Part 2
 Last time I wrote about alkaloids in certain members of the vegetable family that may affect people with arthritis. Catch up here.

Cooking Alters Alkaloids

Now here is the good news. If you cook these vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant or peppers, then this destroys 40-50% of the alkaloids. So my Mum was able to get away a little bit with eating the tomatoes in her soup as they had been cooked. Raw tomatoes would have been much worse for her.

An easy way to tell if the potatoes in your cupboard are likely to have excess alkaloid in them is to check if they are green or sprouting. Always remove sprouted areas before cooking and if there are lots of sprouts on a potato then throw it away or plant it in your garden. This way you can grow your own fresh potatoes for the rest of your family in six months.


Tobacco, although not a nightshade, has alkaloids in it. Remember that the next time you light up a cigarette, especially if you have arthritis.

There is a substance in the Solanaceae family of plants that blocks activity in an enzyme in nerve cells. This can affect the nervous system control of muscle movement and you can get twitching, trembling and paralyzed breathing or convulsions.

Inflammation and Arthritis

The joints can become inflamed after eating potatoes and/or tomatoes or capsicum and is recommended to eliminate any member of this family group of plants from your diet if you suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or other joint problems like gout.

Some nervous system problems are Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Diabetes, Depression and Anxiety.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato does not belong to the same family as potatoes so you may be able to substitute this for potatoes. If you are affected by tomatoes, then think of all the things tomatoes are in – tomato sauce, pizza sauce, tomato paste, tomato soup.