
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Eliminating Perfumes for People with Allergies

Deodorants smell strongly of perfumes
People with allergies and chemical sensitivities can be mildly to severely affected by perfumes. I have written a lot about where perfumes hide in our lives in the precious article.

Ways to Eliminate Perfumes from our Lives

You cannot do anything about everybody else's perfume load, but you can start with yourself, the people in your home and everything in your home. You have this power. Make use of it.

No1 Personal

Go through any products you use to perfume your body. At this time in your life you will probably not be able to smell the perfumes. We get used to the things around us and turn off from them. Our senses get overloaded and we do not even realize that some products have a perfume. We are just so used to them. When your sense of smell has been awakened, you will gradually notice that some things have a strong perfume that you never noticed before.

So, to eliminate your personal perfumes and body sprays, collect them all. If you cannot bring yourself to throw them out, seal them in a couple of plastic bags and place them out of the house, maybe store them in the garage. Don't give them away to a friend because, guess what, you will meet your friend and she may be wearing the products you gave her. Sorry guys for just referring to women, but the same goes to you too.

No 2 Bathroom

Go to your bathroom and read the labels of all your shampoos, conditioners, deodorants and soaps. If they are not perfume free or unscented, ditch them too.
Depending on your health, you may decide to use them up, then replace them with unscented products. This is up to you.

Now ladies, look at your cosmetics. I'm sure they will smell pretty (after all, the cosmetic companies want you to buy their products). Again, look for alternative products. Remember the face creams, hand cream and sun cream. Some of these have really strong perfumes.

Men, check out your deodorant especially that spray stuff, it's deadly. When I was very ill with allergies, a young male visitor sprayed some deodorant rooms away. I smelt it in seconds. These things travel in the air, and you would be surprised how quickly and how far they travel. Remember shaving cream, if used, and especially after shave splash.

No 3 Kitchen

Check out the kitchen. Especially look at your dishwashing detergent. This often reeks with chemical perfume. Get rid of it. I think this is one of the most deadly things. When you squirt it into the sink full of hot water, what happens. The hot water steams up into your face. What does it carry with it? The ghastly chemical perfume. Look for natural, environmentally friendly products that are perfume free.
If you have a dishwasher, what are you using in it? Some of these products are very strongly perfumes. Find one you can tolerate.

No 4 Laundry

Now, just walking down the supermarket aisles of laundry powders is enough to send anybody reeling with the smell of chemical perfumes. Don't kid yourself that any kind company would waste 100 time the amount in cost to perfume their products with real aromatherapy oils just for you. It just wouldn't happen. Besides, real aromatherapy oil evaporates, disappears, and does not last. Chemical perfumes last on and on. You just can't get rid of the smell of them.

So dump your perfumed powders or liquids, or again, depending on your health, use them up and replace them with unscented, unperfumed products. You, and all your family will be healthier and happier.

Good luck on your endeavours.

Photo by with thanks

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